Whether or not you should noindex category pages on your website depends on your specific goals and the nature of your website. Noindexing category pages is a common practice in SEO, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Noindex Factors to Consider:

Content Quality: If your category pages contain valuable and unique content that you want search engines to index and rank, then you may not want to noindex them. High-quality category pages can provide a good user experience and contribute to SEO.

Duplicate Content: If your category pages mainly consist of product listings or excerpts from other parts of your site, they might be seen as duplicate content by search engines. In such cases, it can be a good idea to noindex them to avoid potential SEO issues.

Should I Noindex Catagory Pages
Google Search Console URL Removals Tool

Crawl Budget: If you have a large number of category pages and your website’s crawl budget is limited, you might consider noindexing some category pages to ensure that search engines focus on crawling more important pages, like product pages or blog posts.

SEO Strategy: Your overall SEO strategy and site structure play a significant role. If you have a clear plan for how category pages fit into your site’s hierarchy and how they should be optimized, this can help inform your decision.

User Experience: Consider the impact on user experience. Noindexing category pages may make it harder for users to find and navigate through your site, which could be detrimental if categories are essential for your site’s organization.

E-commerce Sites: In e-commerce websites, it’s common to noindex filter or sort options within categories to avoid duplicate content and to ensure that the canonical version of the category is indexed.

Competitive Analysis: It can be helpful to look at what your competitors are doing. If they are noindexing their category pages, it might be an indicator that this is a common practice in your industry.

In summary, the decision to noindex category pages should be made on a case-by-case basis. It depends on your website’s content, SEO goals, and user experience considerations. It’s essential to strike a balance between making sure your important content is indexed and avoiding potential duplicate content issues. If you’re uncertain, consulting with an SEO professional can be beneficial, as they can provide insights tailored to your specific situation.